
Name Chemist was founded in July 2023, after a toad was discovered in Mark Porter’s garden. The toad became a regular visitor, often found behind the recycling bin, and it didn’t shy away from human attention.

It was decided, mostly by Mark’s children, that the toad needed a name. Unsatisfied with the Google results that were being returned for things like “funny toad names” and “toad names inspired by footballers”, Mark set out to create a resource.

Jeff the Toad

Ultimatey, a rather uninspiring name was decided by the children: “Jeff”. He disappeared shortly after, and the story ends there.

However, it turned out that there were lots of different things that people needed names for, not just animals. From Dungeons & Dragons characters to band names, people are looking for inspiration all the time.

Name Chemist aims to be the go-to resource for name ideas and inspiration, spanning a wide variety of topics such as animals, fantasy, people, places, teams and more. Every single page has an intuitive name generator that users can click until there heart’s content, waiting for the right name to jump out at them.

About the Author

Mark Porter, a marketer based in the UK, is the sole contributor to Name Chemist. He’s always been good at coming up with names, such as pub quiz names, fantasy football names, video character names and more.

Name Chemist is the perfect place to share his best name ideas, and feed them into Name Chemist’s intuitive name generator.

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